Apache Mesosをrpmでインストールして動作を確認する(その2
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/jre/lib/amd64/server # Some options you're likely to want to set: export MESOS_log_dir=/var/log/mesos
# /usr/local/sbin/mesos-daemon.sh mesos-master
→ 5050ポートで待ち受けが開始していることで確認できます。
Usage: mesos-master [...] Supported options: --allocation_interval=VALUE Amount of time to wait between performing (batch) allocations (e.g., 500ms, 1sec, etc) (default: 1secs) --cluster=VALUE Human readable name for the cluster, displayed in the webui --framework_sorter=VALUE Policy to use for allocating resources between a given user's frameworks. Options are the same as for user_allocator (default: drf) --[no-]help Prints this help message (default: false) --ip=VALUE IP address to listen on --log_dir=VALUE Location to put log files (no default, nothing is written to disk unless specified; does not affect logging to stderr) --logbufsecs=VALUE How many seconds to buffer log messages for (default: 0) --port=VALUE Port to listen on (default: 5050) --[no-]quiet Disable logging to stderr (default: false) --roles=VALUE A comma seperated list of the allocation roles that frameworks in this cluster may belong to. --[no-]root_submissions Can root submit frameworks? (default: true) --slaves=VALUE Initial slaves that should be considered part of this cluster (or if using ZooKeeper a URL) (default: *) --user_sorter=VALUE Policy to use for allocating resources between users. May be one of: dominant_resource_fairness (drf) (default: drf) --webui_dir=VALUE Location of the webui files/assets (default: /usr/local/share/mesos/webui) --weights=VALUE A comma seperated list of role/weight pairs of the form 'role=weight,role=weight'. Weights are used to indicate forms of priority. --whitelist=VALUE Path to a file with a list of slaves (one per line) to advertise offers for; should be of the form: file://path/to/file (default: *) --zk=VALUE ZooKeeper URL (used for leader election amongst masters) May be one of: zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path zk://username:password@host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path file://path/to/file (where file contains one of the above) (default: )
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/jre/lib/amd64/server # The mesos master URL to contact. Should be host:port for # non-ZooKeeper based masters, otherwise a zk:// or file:// URL. export MESOS_master=spark1:5050 # Other options you're likely to want to set: export MESOS_log_dir=/var/log/mesos export MESOS_work_dir=/var/run/mesos # export MESOS_isolation=cgroups
# /usr/local/sbin/mesos-daemon.sh mesos-slave
→ 5051ポートで待ち受けが開始していることで確認できます。
Usage: mesos-slave [...] Supported options: --attributes=VALUE Attributes of machine --[no-]cgroups_enable_cfs Cgroups feature flag to enable hard limits on CPU resources via the CFS bandwidth limiting subfeature. (default: false) --cgroups_hierarchy=VALUE The path to the cgroups hierarchy root (default: /cgroup) --cgroups_root=VALUE Name of the root cgroup (default: mesos) --cgroups_subsystems=VALUE List of subsystems to enable (e.g., 'cpu,freezer') (default: cpu,memory,freezer) --[no-]checkpoint Whether to checkpoint slave and frameworks information to disk. This enables a restarted slave to recover status updates and reconnect with (--recover=reconnect) or kill (--recover=kill) old executors (default: false) --default_role=VALUE Any resources in the --resources flag that omit a role, as well as any resources that are not present in --resources but that are automatically detected, will be assigned to this role. (default: *) --disk_watch_interval=VALUE Periodic time interval (e.g., 10secs, 2mins, etc) to check the disk usage (default: 1mins) --executor_registration_timeout=VALUE Amount of time to wait for an executor to register with the slave before considering it hung and shutting it down (e.g., 60secs, 3mins, etc) (default: 1mins) --executor_shutdown_grace_period=VALUE Amount of time to wait for an executor to shut down (e.g., 60secs, 3mins, etc) (default: 5secs) --frameworks_home=VALUE Directory prepended to relative executor URIs (default: ) --gc_delay=VALUE Maximum amount of time to wait before cleaning up executor directories (e.g., 3days, 2weeks, etc). Note that this delay may be shorter depending on the available disk usage. (default: 1weeks) --hadoop_home=VALUE Where to find Hadoop installed (for fetching framework executors from HDFS) (no default, look for HADOOP_HOME in environment or find hadoop on PATH) (default: ) --[no-]help Prints this help message (default: false) --ip=VALUE IP address to listen on --isolation=VALUE Isolation mechanism, may be one of: process, cgroups (default: process) --launcher_dir=VALUE Location of Mesos binaries (default: /usr/local/libexec/mesos) --log_dir=VALUE Location to put log files (no default, nothing is written to disk unless specified; does not affect logging to stderr) --logbufsecs=VALUE How many seconds to buffer log messages for (default: 0) --master=VALUE May be one of: zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path zk://username:password@host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path file://path/to/file (where file contains one of the above) --port=VALUE Port to listen on (default: 5051) --[no-]quiet Disable logging to stderr (default: false) --recover=VALUE Whether to recover status updates and reconnect with old executors. Valid values for 'recover' are reconnect: Reconnect with any old live executors. cleanup : Kill any old live executors and exit. Use this option when doing an incompatible slave or executor upgrade!). NOTE: If checkpointed slave doesn't exist, no recovery is performed and the slave registers with the master as a new slave. (default: reconnect) --recovery_timeout=VALUE Amount of time alloted for the slave to recover. If the slave takes longer than recovery_timeout to recover, any executors that are waiting to reconnect to the slave will self-terminate. NOTE: This flag is only applicable when checkpoint is enabled. (default: 15mins) --resource_monitoring_interval=VALUE Periodic time interval for monitoring executor resource usage (e.g., 10secs, 1min, etc) (default: 1secs) --resources=VALUE Total consumable resources per slave, in the form 'name(role):value;name(role):value...'. --[no-]strict If strict=true, any and all recovery errors are considered fatal. If strict=false, any expected errors (e.g., slave cannot recover information about an executor, because the slave died right before the executor registered.) during recovery are ignored and as much state as possible is recovered. (default: true) --[no-]switch_user Whether to run tasks as the user who submitted them rather than the user running the slave (requires setuid permission) (default: true) --work_dir=VALUE Where to place framework work directories (default: /tmp/mesos)